Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

It was my first 4th of July with my new camera. I knew I could take some great pictures, I just didn't know how. So I turned to my photography guru, Pioneer Woman, and she didn't let me down. She has this great post on how to take pictures of fireworks and it worked great! You can find the instructions here if you're interested.

Here are my firework shots. Words aren't necessary, so I won't bore you with any.

I hope you all had a safe and fun 4th of July. A BIG thank you to all of the men and women of the armed forces (past, present and future) for all that you do.


  1. OMG Steffie...these are amazing!!!

  2. Awesome pics! I need a new camera!

  3. Ola...
    Passando para uma visitinha em seu blog.
    Muito interessante, parabéns.

  4. some of them look like sea creatures!


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